Adventure, Action
cast: Margot Robbie
User Ratings: 6,6 of 10 Stars
country: USA
duration: 1 h 49Min
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Great job DC. I just hope there is no future Jared Leto as a Joker movies. Love a good Lando clap.
I must say... this trailer is lit.
Suicide Hahahahahahahahahaha.
Sssooo amazing 😉.
Wonder Woman: That's just a trash can. Houston Astros: We'll take it.
Why does the joker from suicide squad look like Angelina Jolie.
T'was the Wokest of times. T'was the Brokest of times.
This was me when max led down in front of the coffin and started whimpering 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵.
Ohh myyy <3 Must see this... im so excited about that one ♥♥.
It 2: It's Coming. idk september, round halloween or somethin, i dont know
Most of the action scenes were reshot by Chad Stahelski. Deadline reported that the first cut tested poorly so it had to be recut. That „aaaaaahhh“ with the music is so epic 1:04. Can't wait to see this. I just got back from the theater and I was disappointed. Wow. This movie sounds so awful. Just the synopsis makes my head hurt.
Too little, too late. Day one DLC patch and now Day one rebranding
I remember this was a show but they cancelled it. Too bad though
Watch Free Tziporei Ha'terre. Ya know Mr. Sunday Movies always uploads so early (if ur in America) but he never says good morning or even good evening for ppl in Australia. I just feel like if he did it would really make me wanna like the video. Unpopular Opinion: I can't wait for The New Mutants, Magik is literally my favorite Mutant.
Watch Free Tziporei Ha'terre cuite
This Film should have Won Best picture! Not that Foreign film with Subtitles! Im not reading subtitles! But this film displays too much “Toxic Masculinity” that the Woke Jokes hate so much! They have too many Flakes Voting! Guys building and racing Cars! Fast Speeds! How dare they speed like that? Instead HollyWokes keep pushing Globalism on us all! With their insipid Anti American Anti White Anti Christian Agenda! Woke Garbage! I have nothing against Korea or Koreans. I have no hate for them. Im just Not interested in their films or reading subtitles and I dont think most Americans are either. What a Woke Joke! No wonder I Despise Hollywood and their Dumb Agenda! A Bunch of Hypocrites as they All Fly on Private Jets. Just YOU dont Fly anywhere anymore, according to Greta the Teen Dropout! THEY will continue to FLY Privately, Just YOU shouldnt FLY anymore! Got that? So hows that Gloabalism working out now with this deadly Virus 🦠 Spreading from China? How about some more flights from China landing near an Airport near you? Sound good? Go give them a Hug and welcome them all in! I dont think so! This Film was Robbed by HollyWokes! A bunch of Jokes! Get Woke and go Broke.
Dear editors of Suicide Squad: YOU HAD ONE JOB.
Watch Free Tziporei Ha.
It was a Harley Quinn movie, it had no Bat Girl so its not really a Birds of Prey movie also Harley hasnt been apart of the Birds of Prey in the comics which she really isnt in the movie but it was enjoyable movie.
Thats not saying much now is it.
I love how she gets cocaine shot around here and gets high accidentally lmao.